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Siblings and Staying Well

Siblings and Staying Well We know from siblings that it’s really important to do activities that make you feel good as this can help you with your mental health and help you to stay well. The New Year is a great time to try new things and we have some great ideas for things you … Continued

Siblings and new beginnings

Siblings and new beginnings Siblings will be starting to go back to school soon and although it will be good to catch up with friends, things might feel a bit different too. This might be because you have enjoyed being away from school in the holidays and found life easier in some ways or you feel that … Continued

Siblings and spending time with family

Siblings and spending time with family Many of you will be beginning your summer break from school at this time of year, some of you may not have been able to spend much time at school recently and others may have been off for weeks! We know from siblings that although it can be good … Continued

Siblings and Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Siblings and Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 It’s Mental Health Awareness Week from May 10 – May 16 2021 and the theme is Nature.   Nature can really help your mental health and there are lots of easy things you can do to bring nature into your every day life. Why don’t you Try to notice … Continued

Siblings and Talking About Disability

Siblings and Talking About Disability Siblings often have lots of questions about their brother or sister who has a disability, illness or health condition. This might be if there is a new diagnosis or if their brother or sister has had the condition for a long time. They want to know what’s going on, how … Continued

Siblings and living in a different house

Siblings and living in a different house Siblings sometimes can’t live in the same house as their brother or sister who has a disability, illness or health condition. This might be because their brother or sister lives at a residential school or college with a different parent with a health condition which means that they … Continued

Siblings and staying safe

Siblings and staying safe This week we’re talking about how to stay safe if your brother or sister is displaying behaviour that challenges. Siblings tell us that it can be frightening if their disabled brother or sister has a meltdown or tries to hurt them. It’s important make a plan to stay safe such as … Continued

Siblings and helping

Siblings and helping This week we’re talking about how you might have to help to look after your brother or sister more at the moment. This might be because the people who normally help you can’t get to your house, activities are cancelled or your parents are extra busy trying to home-school as well as do … Continued

Siblings and Lockdown

Siblings and Lockdown As a teacher you will be aware that pupils will be facing challenges upon their return to school after such a long absence. Siblings of disabled children and young people will be facing very specific challenges. We know that for families caring for a disabled child, the impact on siblings has been … Continued

Siblings and the future

Siblings and the future This month we’re talking about siblings and the future. Although thinking about the future can feel exciting, we also know that siblings can find it a bit worrying too. Will my brother or sister miss me if I move away? Will they understand that I will be coming back in the … Continued