Identify siblings as a vulnerable group
- Formally identify all siblings of children and young people with SEND by adding this question to your pupil intake form ‘Does this pupil have a brother or sister who is disabled or has special educational needs or a serious long-term illness or condition?’
- Compare the attainment and wellbeing data of these children to the wider school population.
- Add a column for siblings and sibling interventions to your school’s pupil data management system
- Designate a sibling champion within your school Include specific reference to siblings and their needs within your school’s policies on safeguarding, behaviour/bullying, young carers, diversity and SEND.
Raise whole staff awareness of sibling issues
- Put on a training session for all staff on barriers to learning
- Provide staff with tips for supporting individual siblings of children and young people with SEND at school
Help siblings access specialist information and support
- Signpost siblings to YoungSibs – the UK online support service for siblings of disabled children under 18
- Signpost parents to the parents section of the Sibs website
- Refer siblings to local sibling and young carer groups if available
- Work in partnership with health and social care to help families find solutions to issues at home that create barriers to learning for siblings
Develop provision for sibling support within school
- Get our Sibs Talk one-to-one support intervention for your school
- Run discussion-based sibling groups to help siblings develop resilience and to gain siblings’ views on specific actions that school can take to support them
- Have a named member of staff for pupils to talk to about sibling issues
- Offer one to one sibling support to pupils through your school’s existing counselling, mentoring and pastoral care provision
- Run transition groups for year 6 siblings moving up to same secondary school
- Run workshops for parents on supporting siblings and consult with parents on ways your school can support siblings
For more information on how we can help your school support siblings contact Sibs