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Siblings at Christmas

Siblings at Christmas Christmas is just around the corner and it can be a time to have fun! Maybe you’re looking forward to spending time with your family and friends, giving and receiving presents or just enjoying time off from school? It can be a special time to have fun with your family or play … Continued

Siblings and School

Siblings and School Siblings tell us that school can e really tough sometimes. It can be hard because friends don’t understand what life is like at home it’s hard to get homework done it’s tiring because you don’t get a good night’s sleep We’ve got lots of great information about school stuff for siblings on … Continued

Siblings and ADHD

Siblings and ADHD This month we’re talking about what life is like when you have a brother or sister with ADHD. We’d like siblings to tell us what it’s like when you have a brother or sister who finds it difficult to concentrate, sit still or stop talking. We’ve got some great information about ADHD … Continued

Ethan’s story

Ethan’s story I think having your brother or sister go into hospital makes siblings like me feel lots of feelings. I definitely feel quiet and I worry. I went with my brother to the hospital really early on the morning of his operation. And then my dad took me to school. My dad and mum had … Continued

Siblings and School

Siblings and School Are you going back to school this week? It can be great to catch up with your friends again after the holidays but some people can find it a bit tough too. It’s September so it’s time for lots of you to go back to school! You might be going back to … Continued

Siblings and Spending Time with Family

Siblings and spending time with family Many of you will be beginning your summer break from school at this time of year. We know from siblings that although it can be good to have a break from the school routine, things may also be a bit tricky too. This might be because brothers and sisters … Continued

Siblings and Carers Week 2024

Siblings and Carers Week 2024 This month we’re giving a shout out to siblings for Carers Week 2024. Here at YoungSibs we want to celebrate all of you who are helping to look after your brothers and sisters who have a disability, illness or long term health condition. You do a great job and not … Continued

Siblings and feeling sad

Siblings and feeling sad This month we’re talking about siblings and what to do when you feel sad. We know from siblings that even though they love their brothers and sisters, it can make them feel really sad when they argue or fight with them. It’s normal to fall out with brothers and sisters – … Continued

National Siblings Day April 10th 2024

National Siblings Day April 10th 2024 This month we’re celebrating amazing siblings on National Siblings Day April 10th 2024! We want to do a shout out to all of you with brothers and sisters who have a disability, illness or health condition. Why not have a look at how to have fun with your family … Continued

Siblings and Understanding Different Conditions

Siblings and Understanding Different Conditions This month we’re talking about siblings who have brothers and sisters with different conditions and disabilities. We have lots of new information on genetic conditions on our website if you want to learn more. Do you have a brother or sister with a rare disability, illness or condition? Life can … Continued