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Siblings and mental health

Siblings and mental health This month we’re talking about how important it is to look after your mental health. We’ve got ideas on how to ask for help if you are struggling and what you can do to help yourself too. Have a look at our pages on what to do if you feel anxious … Continued

Siblings and epilepsy

Siblings and epilepsy This month we’re talking about siblings who have brothers and sisters with epilepsy. Lots of siblings have really good relationships with their brothers and sisters who have epilepsy.  However, siblings say that they can find it frightening when their brothers and sisters have seizures. Siblings feel worried about their brothers and sisters … Continued

Siblings and autism

Siblings and autism This month we’re talking about siblings and autism. We’d love to hear from siblings about what life is like if you have a brother or sister with autism. What stuff do you do together? Do you have any top tips for other siblings about what you know about autism and how it … Continued

Siblings and genetic conditions

Siblings and genetic conditions This month we’re talking about siblings who have brothers and sisters with genetic conditions. We have lots of new information on genetic conditions on our website if you want to learn more. It’s also World Down Syndrome Day this month – Down’s Syndrome is a genetic condition. Do you have a … Continued

Siblings and ADHD

Siblings and ADHD Do you have a brother or sister with ADHD? We’d like siblings to tell us what life is like when you have a brother or sister who finds it difficult to concentrate, sit still or stop talking. We’ve got some great information about ADHD on our website as well as some top … Continued

Siblings at Christmas

Siblings at Christmas Christmas is just around the corner and it can be a time to have fun! Maybe you’re looking forward to spending time with your family and friends, giving and receiving presents or just enjoying time off from school? It can be a special time to have fun with your family or play … Continued