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I think I might be depressed

Depression can affect different people in different ways. It might mean not wanting to do things that you used to enjoy, avoiding friends, sleeping more or less than usual, eating more or less than usual or feeling upset, sad or lonely. Even if you have one or more of these symptoms, it doesn’t mean you definitely have depression. It’s important that you ask for help with it.

Some things you can do if you think you are depressed


Talk to a parent about how you are feeling.


Tell a teacher, pastoral worker or school nurse that you are finding things hard to cope with.


Contact Childline if you need to talk to somebody at any time of day or night.


Ask for an appointment with a doctor as you may need to have counselling or medication to help you get well.

I felt sad a lot of the time and stopped enjoying anything. I spoke to a mentor at school about how I was feeling and she arranged some counselling for me and it really helped.

More about mental health and wellbeing

Siblings like all other young people can have mental health problems. If you are very sad or anxious it is important to talk to someone.

Sibling info about disability

Many siblings find it hard to understand disability. Find out about different disabilities and conditions here.

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