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Charlotte – “My sister has taught me to be compassionate, be brave, be a reader, be strong, be a traveller and be better”

Above: In this video, Charlotte Flynn shares what she has learnt from her sister who has learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues.

My sister has taught me to…

Be compassionate

  • There are people who interact with my sister in exactly the way that she deserves. These people brighten her day and make her feel like the incredible person that she is. Knowing the impact that kindness can have, gives me a passion to be that person for others. I’m kind and I have time for people because I know the deeply positive impact this can have on people and their families.

Be brave

  • One example is that as kids on a ski slope, she was inspiringly quick and was willing to do the scary stuff in a way I didn’t- this kind of bravery ignites a bravery in me. She has had to be brave in all sorts of more extreme ways, and I am so proud that her bravery is so core to her being.

Be a reader

  • Her reading speed is incredible, and she immerses herself in books, I love that I can borrow books from her and talk about them with her.

Be strong

  • Because just like any sibling relationship – we’ve had our fair share of arguments and play fights!

Be a traveller

  • Seeing new places has always been important to my sister. I love hearing about her trips, going on trips together, and telling her about mine.

Be better

  • I know for certain that I am a better person because of my sister. For that I will always be thankful. Being a sibling has inspired me to be a coach so that I can help people to reach a life that feels fulfilling to them.  Knowing how determined she is to conquer challenges, gives me a determination to do the same.


While life hasn’t always been easy for her, and our world is still not truly inclusive, I am so proud of who she is and how she navigates life. It’s not always easy being a sibling – I’m sure my sister would say the same – but I’ll forever feel lucky that I’m my sister’s sister. 



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