What’s it like to grow up with a disabled brother or sister?
Hear more about the experiences of siblings in the video below, which was created in 2021 to celebrate Sibs 20th anniversary
Hear more about the experiences of siblings in the video below, which was created in 2021 to celebrate Sibs 20th anniversary
“About this talk: Having lost one brother to the world of autism and another to a terminal illness, Alicia Maples never knew a normal childhood. Expected to always put on a brave face, Alicia played the role of good girl on the outside. One the inside, however, she was dying. In this heart-wrenching talk, Alicia … Continued
In this video, adult sibling Kausar shares her experiences of growing up in a large family, caring for her two brothers who have learning disabilities, alongside juggling work and raising her own family. She reflects on the loss of her father and how her own death will impact her brothers too. This video is available … Continued
Tough topics in LD is a podcast created by sibling Alistair Beverley, the LD Physio. You can find more episodes here. In this episode, Alistair is joined by sibling and life coach Charlotte Flynn as they discuss thriving in times of challenge in the run up to National Siblings Day on 10th April. The episode … Continued
Above: In this video, Charlotte Flynn shares what she has learnt from her sister who has learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues. My sister has taught me to… Be compassionate There are people who interact with my sister in exactly the way that she deserves. These people brighten her day and make her feel … Continued
Conversations with Carers is a series of podcasts, articles and innovative dance films, which examines the realities of paid and unpaid care. Conversations with Carers is created by Rashmi Becker, MBE, Founder of Step Change Studios, and supported using public funding by Arts Council England. In this video, you can watch dancers Max Cookward … Continued
Shamini entered Poetry for Good, a national competition that ran in the Spring of 2021. Her piece ‘Risk Assessment: High’ was highly commended in the spoken word category. Many siblings will relate to this powerful and articulate poem, that highlights the unseen work of sibling carers during the pandemic. “I entered this competition because I … Continued