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Siblings and epilepsy

Siblings and epilepsy

This month we’re talking about siblings who have brothers and sisters with epilepsy. Lots of siblings have really good relationships with their brothers and sisters who have epilepsy.  However, siblings say that they can find it frightening when their brothers and sisters have seizures. Siblings feel worried about their brothers and sisters as they don’t always know when fits are going to happen.

We’ve got ideas on how to ask for help if you are struggling and what you can do to help yourself too. Have a look at our pages on what to do if you feel worried or if you want to know more about epilepsy and how it can affect people.

Get in touch and let us know what things are like for you – how do you enjoy spending time with your brothers and sisters?  We have some great ideas for things you can do to help you with looking after your mental health and wellbeing Get in touch and let us know what you think!