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My sister has died

Some siblings have a brother or sister who has died because of their disability or illness. Siblings feel that other people don’t understand what it is like for them.

Some things you can do if your brother or sister has died


Talk to your parent about how you feel.


Tell a teacher at school if you are finding things hard.


Write down the things that you remember about your brother or sister and look at your photos or videos of doing things together.


If you don’t understand why your brother or sister died, ask your parent to explain this to you.


If you are feeling sad all the time ask your parent to take to to the your doctor so that you can get help with it.

I still miss my brother. When I feel sad at school I have a teacher I can talk to. This helps a bit as I feel like somebody listens to me.

More about understanding disability

Disability and different conditions can be hard to understand. It helps siblings when they get the correct information about what is happening.

Sibling info about disability

Many siblings find it hard to understand disability. Find out about different disabilities and conditions here.

Ask our sibling advisor

Need some information or advice? You can ask our sibling advisor any question about sibling issues.