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I miss out on stuff

Siblings often miss out on things because of what’s going on in their family. Sometimes days out have to be cancelled, or siblings can’t have friends round. It can feel sad or frustrating if you can’t do the same things as other people you know.

Some things you can do if you miss out on things


Talk to your parent about the things that you want to do and ask them to help you do these.


Tell your parent or a teacher or pastoral care person about how you feel about missing out on things.


Make a list of the things you enjoy doing and see if you can do one of these each week.

I go swimming with my friend every weekend. My mum knows it's really important to me, so she makes sure nothing gets in the way of it.

More about tough stuff at home

Siblings find it hard at home when activities get cancelled a lot or if they have to do too much care.

Sibling info about disability

Many siblings find it hard to understand disability. Find out about different disabilities and conditions here.

Ask our sibling advisor

Need some information or advice? You can ask our sibling advisor any question about sibling issues.