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Siblings tell us that sometimes they can feel left out. It feels as if their brother or sister gets all the attention and nobody notices them. Siblings can find this really hard.

Some things you can do if you feel left out


Ask your parent to try and spend a little bit of time with you each day so that you can tell them about how your day has been.


Ask your parent if you can be included when they are talking about your brother or sister.


Write a note and show it to your parent if you find it hard to tell them that you feel left out.

My auntie takes me out for a treat once a month. It's so nice to feel that it's a special time, just for me.

More about tough stuff at home

Siblings find it hard at home when activities get cancelled a lot or if they have to do too much care.

Sibling info about disability

Many siblings find it hard to understand disability. Find out about different disabilities and conditions here.

Ask our sibling advisor

Need some information or advice? You can ask our sibling advisor any question about sibling issues.