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Siblings tell us that they are often bullied because of their brother or sister. It is frightening and stressful it this is happening to you. Bullying can happen to anyone and it is always wrong. The most important thing is to get help to make it stop.

Some things you can do if you are being bullied


Ask a parent or teacher or other adult you trust to help you with the bullying or teasing. Write down the things that the bully has said or done and give this to your parent or teacher.


If someone is saying things to upset you, just ignore them and walk away. 


If you are being bullied online or on social media, take pictures or screenshots of what has been said and show these to your parent or teacher.


You can contact ChildLine at any time of day or night to talk to someone about bullying and to get advice on what to do about it.

I used to get teased because my sister behaved differently. I told my teacher, which was difficult, but I’m glad I did as things are much better now.

More about school life

School life can be tough at times especially if pupils and teachers don’t understand what it’s like for siblings.

Sibling info about disability

Many siblings find it hard to understand disability. Find out about different disabilities and conditions here.

Ask our sibling advisor

Need some information or advice? You can ask our sibling advisor any question about sibling issues.