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Siblings tell us that teachers don’t understand what it’s like for them at school or at home. They get into trouble for being late, missing lessons or not having the right stuff with them. This can feel very unfair and upsetting. It’s important that teachers understand what it’s like for you as a sibling.

Some things you can do if your teacher doesn’t understand


Ask your teacher for extra time to complete homework.


Ask your teacher to let you check in at home when you are feeling worried. 


Ask your parent to talk to your teacher about what things are like for you at home. 


If your teacher would like to be able to understand sibling issues better we can send them some information from YoungSibs.

My dad told my teacher about what things are like at home, so now I don't get told off if I am sometimes late.

More about school life

School life can be tough at times especially if pupils and teachers don’t understand what it’s like for siblings.

Sibling info about disability

Many siblings find it hard to understand disability. Find out about different disabilities and conditions here.

Ask our sibling advisor

Need some information or advice? You can ask our sibling advisor any question about sibling issues.