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This pic was taken in autumn 2020 when my sister Carol had just had a hip replacement at Hinchingbrooke hospital in Cambridgeshire. It’s not the most glamorous pic but then, it’s not always glamorous being a sibling is it?!

Carol has Apert Syndrome which for her means she has some physical and some mild learning disabilities.

Carol had the hip replacement during covid restrictions so visitors were not allowed. This was our first visit to see her a few days post-operation when the hospital staff realised Carol really needed a little lift as she was feeling a bit down so they arranged for my husband and I to see her in a private room for a short while.

You can see the relief on our faces of being able to see each other! It was difficult for her to go through a major operation by herself and stressful for us to not be able to visit. As a sibling supporting my sister, there was a lot of driving from West London to Cambridgeshire to take clean clothes to her; trying to work out what she needed and taking home clothes that needed washing (without being able to actually see her) as well as preparing her home with mobility aids for her return. It was quite stressful.

I feel so thankful to the skilled surgeon, the kind and brilliant NHS staff who looked after her and also extremely proud of how brave, resilient and independent my sister was during this time.

She is now (over a year later) completely recovered and so much more mobile. She has shown real determination and is able to walk to her local shops, walk up stairs and has her life back!

Written March 2022

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