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A chromosome disorder can occur when someone has a change to one or more of their chromosomes. This could be a change in the number of chromosomes; a missing or extra piece of a chromosome; or one or more chromosomes might be arranged in a different way.

What is it like for siblings if their brother or sister has a chromosome disorder?

Siblings often get on really well with their brothers and sisters who have a chromosome disorder. However, as a sibling, they might find it hard to find information about the chromosome disorder which their brother or sister has. It might not be easy for them to understand their health or behavioural difficulties. This could make them feel worried if they want to understand things. They might worry about what will happen to their brother or sister in the future and who will look after them.

What causes a chromosome disorder?

Bodies are made up of millions of tiny cells. Inside the cells are tiny structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes can be thought of as personal instruction booklets, but they are very small and they can only be seen using a microscope. Chromosomes carry the information that is needed for our bodies to grow and develop. This includes information about things like eye or hair colour.

People normally have 23 pairs of chromosomes, so 46 all together. One half of each pair usually comes from our mother, and the other half from our father. If there are not the expected number of chromosomes or if there is a change to one or more of our chromosomes, then this can cause a chromosome disorder. It is something that a person is born with. Sometimes a mother can pass it on, sometimes a father, and sometimes it just happens by chance in a child. However it occurred, it is important to remember that these changes happen as part of a natural process, and no-one is at fault when they do.

What does it mean?

There are lots of different types of chromosome disorders and people can be affected in different ways depending upon which chromosomes are affected. The most common thing that happens when we have a chromosome disorder is that our bodies might work differently. This means that a brother or sister might have a learning disability and their health or behaviour may be affected.

What treatment is there?

Chromosome disorders cannot be cured but people who have them can be helped to cope better with them.

This information has been approved by Unique – The Rare Chromosome Disorder Support Group, December 2024