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Kimber – “Advocating as a sibling”

Siblings are typically the most consistent advocate for their disabled brother or sister throughout their lives. Many siblings do advocacy without even realising they’re doing it – whether that is young siblings advocating for their disabled brother/sister to be included in activities as children, or adult siblings pushing service providers to do better. Despite falling … Continued

Alicia Maples – Recognizing Glass Children (TED Talk)

“About this talk: Having lost one brother to the world of autism and another to a terminal illness, Alicia Maples never knew a normal childhood. Expected to always put on a brave face, Alicia played the role of good girl on the outside. One the inside, however, she was dying. In this heart-wrenching talk, Alicia … Continued

Jack – Poem: “Making plans for Nigel”

I sat down to write about my sibling strengths and this is what came out. I began thinking about my experiences growing up, and realised a lot of the cringier or more painful memories came from the ignorance of others. So my sibling strengths are being patient when I need to be, assertive if I … Continued